Community Care for Children with Disabilities and their Families Project Report
The Union of Special Educators and Rehabilitators of the Republic of North Macedonia with the financial support of UNICEF and the British Embassy from August 2019...
Information on the operation of the Center for Early Intervention and support for families in newly created conditions caused from the current state with the coronavirus (Covid- 19)
We invite all interested parents to call the telephone number 074 / 222-148 and make an appointment. The services are free!..
Community care for children with disabilities and their families
Сојузот на специјални едукатори и рехабилитатори на Република Северна Македонија со финансиска поддршка на УНИЦЕФ и Британската амбасада од август 2019.
Center for Early Intervention and Family Support
On 02.03.2020 (Monday) the Center for Early Intervention and Support of Families started operating. The opening of the Center is made possible...