
Event: Institute of special education and rehabilitation                                                                                                          
Location: Skopje
Date: 2013
Event: Capacity building program organized by TACSO
Location: Skopje
Date: 2012 - 2013

Description: Association of special educators and rehabilitators of the Republic of North Macedonia in June 2012 -February 2013 was part of the capacity building program organized by TACSO. The program includes organizational self-assessment and development of a plan for building capacity, management and organizational structure in advocacy and lobbying.


Event: Institute of special education and rehabilitation
Location: Skopje
Date:  2013

Event: Capacity building program organized by TACSO
Location: Skopje
Date: 2012 - 2013
Description: Association of special educators and rehabilitators of the Republic of North Macedonia in June 2012 -February 2013 was part of the capacity building program organized by TACSO. The program includes organizational self-assessment and development of a plan for building capacity, management and organizational structure in advocacy and lobbying.